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A Heroine First
Creates Her Stability
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Embark on The Heroine’s Journey®
& Travel the First 10 Steps to True Wealth

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Create Your Stability Online Course

Walk the first 10 Steps of The Heroine’s Journey to become the Heroine of Your Own Life

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Utilize The Heroine’s Journey Road Map ~ Your Essential Tool for Navigating to Freedom

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How Do I Create Stability in My Life?

Start your Heroine’s Journey® and Cultivate the Skills & Tools to Grow Strong


[/vc_wp_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_btn title=”Join the Journey Now!” align=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1551455869435{margin-top: 20px !important;}” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fed235.infusionsoft.com%2Fapp%2FmanageCart%2FaddProduct%3FproductId%3D3||target:%20_blank|”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1552404966425{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Hey Heroine, muster up your courage & strength!

It’s time for momentum on your Heroine’s Journey.

And this path is waiting for you!

Here it is: The Heroine’s Journey Road Map is a path of 13 Steps that will lead you home to True Wealth. No matter where you are now, you navigate from survival to thrival.

Are you no longer willing to endure the discomfort of staying where you are?  

You can wander around in the wilds lost in the dark, never living your own Light.

Or, you can advance through the steps of The Heroine’s Journey and gain clarity and purpose.

While the Journey is uniquely yours, the steps along the path are universal and have been traveled by many women before you.

Create Your Stability.

First things first, you must Create Your Stability. Without Stability you exist in a danger zone – worthlessness, energy deprivation, being sabotaged by others, and financial insecurity are the things that will derail you.

You don’t have to figure a way out on your own. The first 10 steps of the Heroine’s Journey Road Map is all about creating your Stability.

You’ll have what you need to forge ahead. We’ve designed the The Heroine’s Journey: Create Your Stability Online Course for you. With this course you will put your past into perspective, generate options for the present, and inspire your hope for the future. Your Stability gives you the endurance to progress home to True Wealth.

Eyes on the horizon.

Just walk; take empowered action, and the messiness will get cleaned up. Your gracefullness is achieved as you walk, one foot in front of the other. Now, you become the Heroine of your own life.

This is flight school!  You are ready to fly. Sign up below for The Heroine’s Journey: Create Your Stability Online Course. The Journey is now![/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Make the Commitment Now!” align=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1551455825305{margin-top: 20px !important;}” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fed235.infusionsoft.com%2Fapp%2FmanageCart%2FaddProduct%3FproductId%3D3||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row fullwidth=”true” css=”.vc_custom_1547039031160{margin-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 50px !important;background-color: #f2f2f2 !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1547038989876{margin-bottom: 50px !important;}”][vc_column_text el_class=”whatisitabout” css=”.vc_custom_1549994291169{margin-top: 50px !important;margin-bottom: 50px !important;}”]

Learn The Heroine’s Journey
4 Cornerstones of Stability

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A Heroine stands firmly in her self-worth in the face of challenges as she builds her Stability. She chooses beliefs that lift her into flight.

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A Heroine cultivates her life force energy, her spirit in action, to propel her through the obstacles and the successes along her path.

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A Heroine surrounds herself with people who are her advocates and loyal supporters as she blossoms into becoming her best self.

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A Heroine knows she’s responsible for gathering the resources she needs. She learns how to provision herself wisely to sustain the journey ahead.

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4 Benefits of Taking The Heroine’s Journey Stability Course

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A Heroine courageously embraces her journey with a clear head and open heart. She daringly takes the universal path that is laid out before her to Ture Wealth. The Road Map will guide you to:


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A Heroine acquires the tactics – the skills, tools, and practices – that rev up her momentum for her Journey. In this Course, these support systems are centered in the 4 Cornerstones that Create Your Stability. Readily, you’ll reorient to your center of Stability. Now you can go forward with clarity and purpose as whole new options open up for your life. You’ll have the priceless resources to journey to the life of your dreams.

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A Heroine doesn’t sit around and wait for all the unicorns to line up perfectly under the rainbow. It’s time to take Empowered Action. This requires a well-laid plan. Your Heroine’s Action Plan is your flight plan – a checklist of what to do and when to do it. Bravely choose action items that will propel your life in each of the 4 Cornerstones of Stability. This is your compass for navigating your unique Journey to True Wealth.

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A Heroine is the author of her own story. She uses her courage and strength to narrate her tale to “happily ever after.” Throughout the Course, you will be guided through written Exercises. At the end, your very own words are auto-magically formatted into your Guide Book. This is your manual for a life of Stability – the enduring connection to your Heroine Self. This is your manifesto to keep your vision focused on the horizon.

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What’s Included

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31 Easy-To-Follow Video Teaching Modules

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Engaging Surveys, Exercises and Activities

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Targeted Learning Resources to Support your Journey

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Private FB group for Community and Support

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A Daily Heroine’s Journal to Track Progress 

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Eligibility for the Heroine’s Stability Circle Weekly Webinars

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Dr. Erin Oksol

Psychologist & Business Coach

As a psychologist, business coach, speaker and best-selling author, I am deeply entrenched in what creates true growth. So when I come across a tool as powerful as The Heroine’s Journey for helping women navigate the path from survival to thrival, it gets my attention. Each of us walks the path in our own way. What is priceless is having a Road Map and a guide so that you do not spend years lost and alone, but rather dance, skip or run to the light at the end of the tunnel. Take the Journey. The reward is YOU!

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Major Liz Nutter

U.S. Army Nurse-Midwife

I was struggling with my purpose in life when I embarked on The Heroine’s Journey. And frankly, it was a God-send. As I began crafting the Story of my life from the perspective of my Heroine Self, I now see how the events of my life have been intricately woven to provide the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. I’ve begun to do the hard work of discovering who I was designed to be…and it’s been some of the hardest work that I’ve ever done! That hard work pales in comparison, however, to the joy of beginning to live my life true to who I am. I’m not living someone else’s story for me any longer; I am taking responsibility for crafting my own Story. It’s hard to describe the confidence I feel after going through this process, but there’s one thing I can say: it’s well worth the Journey.

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Glenda Benevides

Founder of Global Badass Goddess & Glenda Music

Joan’s passion, experience and knowledge in this amazing course, will not only free you up, but empower you to create stable and inspired action in your life. One of the most difficult and sneaky things in life is to notice your belief systems that want to stop you from fully living your life. I also can see how that might affect and effect all your relationships. Heroine’s Journey helps navigate all the pit falls and has you thriving!

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Creating Stability In My Life

As it began, I tried to design the perfect looking life – one for security and approval. I crafted a prominent career, a beautiful house, marriage and an influential social circle.

Then BANG! Major disruption! Chaos erupted! With this Big Blip I was knocked dangerously off course, from the path I’d been engineering.  

All I could do was sit on the living room floor looking at old photographs, hoping to recover what I’d had in the past. But that life was forever gone.

Like it or not, this was the start of my Heroine’s Journey. The old was falling away, and I was on the precipice of the Unknown.

I was thrust into new reality, and oh boy, did I need new skills, tools and resources. I wondered how I was going to get them.

I started the journey with many beliefs that derailed me into worthlessness. I felt exhausted and frustrated. I had people in my life who were sabotaging me. I fell into financial turmoil.

From this dark place a voice arose from within. I now recognize her as my Heroine Self. She called loudly for me to fight for myself – my life and my worth.

In those moments, I desperately wanted to feel the I could overcome the challenges and wanted a life worth relishing. But after this Big Blip, how the heck was that going to happen?

From a place of genuine surrender, there she was, my Heroine Self spoke up again. She gave me explicit directions: the 4 Cornerstones for Stability. Beliefs. Physical. People. Financial.

Here it was. Focusing on the most primary aspects of creating my Stability would get my legs back underneath me, and be what I needed to get going again.

Now, my attention turned to building the internal fortitude in me. My courage and strength grew and I made different choices to correct my course.  As opposed to my previous life, I was not so concerned about what things looked like, I was more concerned about what was true for my well-being.

Now, with Stability as the foundation for my new life:

  • I began to roll in new directions of career, people, health, and prosperity.
  • I was able to embrace the Big Blip disruption as a blessing that initiated me onward.
  • My sense of my own self worth expanded.
  • I addressed challenges and opportunities with ease and confidence.
  • I was becoming the Heroine of my own life and embodying the person I always wanted to be.
  • I experienced true enthusiasm and joy.
  • I was on my way to my True Wealth – a life of purpose, passion, and a generous me.  

Stability revolutionized my life. It put the past into perspective, gave me new options for my present choices, and inspired  hope for my future.

As I began to share my story with other women, I realized I was walking an archetypical path that all women take to become the Heroine of their own lives. My Heroine Self was taking the lead again. She showed me The Heroine’s Journey outlined in the 13 Steps of the Heroine’s Journey Road Map.

With Road Map in hand, I navigated to a life I love, authentically from the heart, with True Wealth in mind – all that I was missing when I tried to engineer “a perfect life.”  Thank goodness for that Big Blip. It actually saved me.

Are you willing to do what it takes to become your own Heroine? What True Wealth is yet to come for you?

With the Heroine’s Road Map, your path will open too. I know it will. When you join me for the online course we will walk the first 10 Steps together to Create Your Stability.

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Founder, The Heroine’s Journey
Coach | Author | Speaker | Investor

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You are the Heroine of your life.

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Are you ready to fly?

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Stability Today[/vc_column_text][mk_padding_divider][vc_btn title=”Buy The Course” size=”lg” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fed235.infusionsoft.com%2Fapp%2FmanageCart%2FaddProduct%3FproductId%3D3||target:%20_blank|”][mk_padding_divider][mk_padding_divider][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mk_padding_divider size=”50″][vc_column_text align=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1554219747371{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Copyright © 2019 Perrajin, LP. All Rights Reserved.


The Heroine’s Journey is an internal journey for you to claim your Self-Worth and your Voice. (It is soooo not the Hero’s Journey). The Heroine’s Journey is the feminine pathway!

The Heroine’s Journey is the pathway that you can’t resist as it compels you to blossom to your Best-Self.

The Heroine’s Journey is the plotline that underlines all of our lives, while each of our stories is uniquely different.

The Heroine’s Journey is the universal journey that all women take to maturity.

The Heroine’s Journey is a gift with all things working for you.

The Heroine’s Journey is the best adventure of your life.

Are You a Woman Going Through Divorce, Personal Breakdown or Financial Crisis?

Get Instant Access To A Simple and Proven Path That Has Changed The Lives of HUNDRDS of Women!